CONGRATULATIONS to all our parish school students who successfully completed the school year of 2012-2013!
Below are photos from the Commencement in June 2013.

From the 9th to the 16th June 2015, Archpriest Michael Taratuchin and Tamara Kallaur-DeBernardis travelled to St. Petersburg, Russia, as official participants and representatives of both our parish and Memorial Fund in the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of the Glorification of our St. John of Kronstadt in Russia. Back in November of 2014, we had just celebrated the 50th Anniversary of St. John's Glorification by our Russian Orthodox Church Abroad. The President of our Memorial Fund, His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland, also participated in the celebrations held in St. Petersburg, Kronstadt and Sura, home village of St. John in the Arkhangelsk region, along with seven priests and two deacons of our Russian Church Abroad, joining over 220 clergy from Russia and other countries. Over 22 countries with churches, monasteries and organizations of St. John of Kronstadt were represented with a total of almost 500 participants, culminating with a patriarchal divine liturgy celebrated in Sura led by His Holiness, our Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on Sunday 14th June 2015. Among the concelebrants with the Patriarch were Bishop Peter of Cleveland, Mitred-Archpriest Michael Protopopov from Australia, Mitred-Achpriest Alexander Belya, Dean of the New York City Deanery and Protodeacon John Barbus from Australia. Below are some photographs of the events held in St. Petersburg, Kronstadt and Sura.
A special word of thanks to the Very Rev. Mitred-Archpriest Nikolai Belyaev, senior priest of the St. John of Rila Convent on Karpovka in St. Petersburg, and chief organizer of this celebration, and chairman of the Sv. Ioannovskaya Semya, and to all their members for the limitless love, kindness, endless hospitality and gifts which they extended to all of us. May God bless them always and grant them many years!
For much information on the festivities and to view our Ioannovskaya Semya/ St. John of Kronstadt Family of Churches, Monasteries, Institutions and Organizations, of which we are a part, please visit the website with many links to videos and photographs of this holy celebration of our St. John of Kronstadt in Russia.

St. John of Kronstadt Russian Orthodox Memorial Church, located at 1009 Conkling Avenue in Utica, NY, is a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR).
Services are held regularly on Saturday evening (Vigil) and Sunday morning (Divine Liturgy), as well as on feast days. We worship in both Church Slavonic and English.
On all feastdays and weekends, Vigil is at 6pm and Divine Liturgy at 9:15am unless otherwise noted.
Visitors are always welcome!
Please contact Archpriest Michael Taratuchin for more information at 315-723-7475.
This was the first time in the history of our parish that a holy unction service was held. This year on the evening of Holy and Great Tuesday.

Please visit our website for the St. John of Kronstadt Memorial at .

For updated news from our worldwide network of the St. John of Kronstadt Family of churches, monasteries, institutions and organizations, please visit .