The St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund was established in 1954 by Archpriest George Pavlusik and the St. John of Kronstadt parish, and it continues its great benevolent work to this day by collecting donations and sending financial aid to needy parishes, monasteries, institutions and individuals in dire circumstances worldwide. In recent years, financial aid has been sent to some orphanages in Russia. The Memorial Fund’s first president was Archbishop Averky of Syracuse and Holy Trinity Monastery from 1954 to 1976, then from 1977 to 2008, Metropolitan Laurus of blessed memory, and currently His
Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland is the memorial fund’s president. Many, clergy and laity, have labored for the Memorial Fund over the fifty-four years of its existence, in imitation of St. John of Kronstadt, who brought help and relief to hundreds of thousands of his contemporaries. The fund continues this great legacy of love, being a source of help an relief to many of the faithful in parishes, monasteries and institutions around the world. Everyone is invited to join in this vital work began by our beloved patron saint, our Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt. You, too, can help by becoming a member of the Memorial Fund and/or by sending donations to the St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund in Utica, New York, and thereby continue the great work of almsgiving as was practiced by St. John. Please join
us in this vital labor of love.
Make checks or money orders payable to:
St. John of Kronstadt Memorial Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 56, Utica, NY 13503-0056